Katja Maaß

About me
I have practised massage most of my life, and gained my diploma in 2018 as a Level 4 MTI Holistic Therapist. I love and enjoy my work, seeing my clients and tailoring their treatments, ensuring every session has therapeutic benefit. I strongly believe that every treatment should be given with care and positive intention, to best harness the power of touch to help the individual in treatment,
While I work with a number of techniques across the whole body, I am particularly interested in fascia and the work being developed with, and the new discoveries being made, in this fascinating part of the body. I'm passionate about myofascial techniques, and am continuing my learning in this powerful therapy, as the benefits it brings to clients are both long term and far reaching. Clients experience the results of postural improvement as well as being able to learn about their body and have the skills to feel into whats happening, and ultimately change long term holding patterns outside of the treatment space.
Myofascial release is physical, somatic and biochemical. I'm interested in the benefits it can bring particularly when thinking about treating mental health with the help of touch therapy. My professional and personal experiences with trauma and mental well-being provide me with an insight and dedication to treating those for whom these issues are relevant.
Central to my professional objectives as a therapist is creating opportunities for people to gain access to treatments through reduced cost initiatives or funded projects. Delivering this is an ongoing challenge in bodywork. This is where the name Massage Hackney derives from; the idea that there can be a way for everyone in the community to benefit from massage - specifically in Hackney - where I was born and now raise my children.
Level 4 Diploma Holistic Massage MTI 2018 (Bodyology)
Advanced Seated Massage 2018 (15hrs contact tuition 'On the Spot' training by Sally Morris)
Fabulous Fascia 2018
Facial Rejuvenation (Natural Lift Face Masssage) Diploma 2019
FHT accredited courses by Sally Morris & Craig Folden
Fabulous Fascia Series July 2021
Fabulous Fascia Series; Pelvic imbalances & cranial connections - 2021, 2023
Fabulous Fascia Series; Scar tissue - 2021, 2023
'Becoming a Trauma Savvy Practitioner' 2021 (personal ongoing development non-accredited)
Fully insured, Massage Training Institute member